A day in the life of a Chamonix high mountain guide!

The first rays of dawn were just peering over the mountain peaks as Pierre awoke to the gentle trilling of his alarm. He had always been a morning person – a good thing, considering his job as a high mountain guide in Chamonix, a role that required an early start and a full day’s dedication.

Pierre’s day began with a quick check of the weather forecast and avalanche reports. As he sipped his morning coffee, he studied the snow conditions, temperatures, and wind direction, critical information for planning the day’s itinerary.

Once satisfied with the day’s plan, he packed his bag meticulously. Every piece of equipment had its place – transceiver, probe, shovel, a first aid kit, climbing skins, harness, ropes, carabiners, and more. He then checked his clients’ equipment, ensuring the ski bindings were set correctly and their avalanche safety gear was functioning.

His clients today were a family of four from Sweden, eager for an off-piste adventure. Meeting them at their luxury chalet, he greeted them with a warm smile and an enthusiastic “Bonjour”. A short briefing followed, discussing safety measures, the route plan, and ensuring everyone’s equipment was in order.

They set off from the Aiguille du Midi, taking the cable car up into the bright, clear morning. As they ascended, Pierre explained the geographical highlights – the peaks of Mont Blanc, the Mer de Glace glacier, and the surrounding peaks of the French, Swiss, and Italian Alps.

Exiting the cable car, they were greeted by a panorama of snow-covered peaks glistening under the early morning sun. Pierre led the way, carving a safe path through the snow. The family followed, skiing down the untouched slopes, their laughter echoing across the mountains.

As a guide, Pierre was a teacher, protector, and a friend. He offered tips to improve their technique, shared tales of the mountains, and showed them secret spots untouched by other skiers. They stopped for a picnic lunch at a scenic spot, the valley spread out below them.

The day passed in a joyful blur of sweeping descents, challenging climbs, and shared laughter. As the afternoon shadows grew longer, they made their way back to Chamonix, their spirits high and bodies tired.

Back in the valley, Pierre bid his clients farewell. They thanked him profusely, their faces glowing with the day’s adventures. As he saw their happy, tired faces, Pierre felt a sense of accomplishment. This was why he loved his job – the joy of sharing the majesty of the mountains, the thrill of skiing, and the satisfaction of guiding others through this magnificent landscape.

After checking his equipment and making notes for the next day, Pierre settled down for a quiet dinner. His body was tired, but his mind was already racing ahead to the next day’s adventure. Another day, another mountain to conquer – such was the life of a high mountain guide in Chamonix. As the moon replaced the sun, casting the mountains in a silvery glow, Pierre went to bed, eager for the adventures the next day would bring.